Enclave Living
-President Darren Howell
Hello and Welcome to Enclave Living, where we are proud to share all the ways in which Enclave benefits society.
We take great pride in supplying our citizens with the resources and assistance they require to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Enclaves, as we all know, have a hierarchical social structure, with the most powerful and privileged people at the top, earning their position through hard work and sacrifice. Each caste has a distinct role in society, allowing for the smooth and efficient operation of Enclave Society in which everyone has a place.
We are also proud that, in their infinite wisdom, The Corporatist Party, which controls all aspects of all Enclave societies, prioritizes efficiency. Each Enclave state is led by a Governor who is democratically elected and is a former CEO of a large corporation. Because economies are the most important part of a country's survival, we are overjoyed that our corporate leaders are steering the country in a financially rewarding direction. This can only be accomplished by utilizing all of our society's potential. That is why, regardless of background, we test all children in order to find the best talent that will propel society forward. There is no chance distinction between who receives a good education and who does not by the wealth of your family.
So now that I have graduated or changing careers? What are my enclave choices?
Enclaves are one or more semi-autonomous corporate states that are only a part of the federal government insofar as they oversee the joint sectors of the US economy and military. In 2087, the majority of enclaves began erecting walls, and some even biodomes, to protect their residents from the harsher environment. Only the best and brightest in their field are allowed to live in any of the country's numerous Enclaves. Of course, if you're reading this, you're one of the lucky ones.
We are proud to have corporate employees from each enclave represent all of Congress, and we strive to continue positively impacting society. Our Enclave society's citizens live a comfortable and secure lifestyle, with access to clean water, food, and medical care. Each Enclave is also supported by artificial intelligence systems that prioritize our people's well-being.
We take great care in matching our citizens with partners based on their level of achievement in their jobs, to ensure a harmonious and successful match, just as God intended. We also carefully select who has a baby to ensure that all children are born into a healthy environment.
We are committed to ensuring that our citizens are self-sufficient and responsible. Students who do not achieve an A in their chosen field of study are given the opportunity to pursue vocational training, which provides them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.

Care for all citizens

Our advanced technology, abundant resources, and high standard of living are just a few of the ways in which we strive for progress and innovation.
Ammenities of the Enclave
We are pleased to highlight corporate parks in each enclave, which are exclusively designed for our valued corporate employees. A fantastic destination for families. Each park entry is determined by the corporation for which you work. This cutting-edge facility provides a plethora of benefits, ensuring that our employees have access to everything they require to perform at their peak. Our corporate park is equipped with cutting-edge technology and high-end amenities, allowing our employees to work in a comfortable and efficient environment. With state-of-the-art fitness facilities, gourmet dining options, and even an onsite daycare, our employees can focus on their work with the peace of mind that their needs and those of their families are being taken care of.

We are proud of the ways in which our Enclaves positively impacts society. With a focus on progress, innovation, and individual responsibility, we are committed to providing you, our citizens, with the resources and support they need to lead fulfilling and successful lives.
"The people who live in the Enclave enjoy a comfortable and secure lifestyle, with access to clean water, food, and medical care. Heaven praise the Enclave!"
Main Enclaves
Learn About:
These are the main enclave models. There are plenty of smaller enclave for you to choose from depending on what sector of the economy you prefer to build a career.

Military Enclave